Sunday, June 8, 2008

King Solomon Unleashed It!

When I woke up this morning, I thought the same things I've been thinking for the past week, "I should be getting up to walk right now". Then, I proceeded to get a little more sleep, turn on the television, and "rest". As a person who takes pride in coaching people to success, it was my day to coach myself to success. Don't we rationalize our own actions well enough that it all seems like the truth!? Well, I went out to get my exercise donning my shorts, shoes, and long sleeve shirt.

When I returned, I sat down ate breakfast and opened a magazine that featured an article entitled "Lessons form the Richest Man Who Ever Lived," by John C. Maxwell, DM. Who is the richest man who ever lived? First, let me say that I was reared in a Christian family, by a divorced single mother of three. My father was more spiritual than religious, without a doubt. Yes, I believe in God, at the same time I cannot be considered a Bible totin', fire 'n' brimstone, hallelujah, Christian. My relationship with God is defined in one word faith. And I've said that to say, the article was about King Solomon who ascended the throne of Israel at the age of twelve, around 974 B.C. The story goes that God appeared to Solomon and offered to grant him one desire. Solomon was concerned for his inexperience and ability to rule, he asked for wisdom to lead the people of Israel. God being impressed by Solomon's unselfishness blessed him with wisdom and wealth. His wisdom, wealth, and success grew beyond his imagination.

Solomon has been seen as a King who was wise, wealthy, and successful because of his diligence in all he did. Ruler from allover requested his wisdom. In the article I saw that there are areas of Life in which I have not been diligent. I've had money and I have not had money. I have had love and lost love. I have had success and I have lost success. However, what I understand is that I have the power to bring it all back to me. Yes, the law of attraction and all of that, at the same time, it is being diligent.

Maxwell made three great points that as a personal and business development professional, I tell my clients and practice personally:
1. Wake up to Reality. Procrastination is the best friend of Some Day and the cousin of Never Ever. We think that we have time on our side. The fact is that if you are not living you are dying. Each day we are closer to one or the other literally and figuratively. Literally, we get closer to death. Figuratively, each day is a choice to either unleash our destiny or cover it up in shame, self-doubt, ignorance, or fear. "Days of inaction add together into unproductive weeks. Weeks of idleness accumulate as meaningless months and wasted years, which are the fruitless products of life filled with regret and sorrow." Give your dreams the opportunity flourish, you may surprise yourself that they can become reality.

2. Define Your Vision. If you have not created a vision for your Life, where are you going? It is easy to just live, go to work, come, home, watch TV, eat, go to bed, and get back up and do it all over again. Yet, you may feel trapped and suffocated. What is your vision? Epictetus wrote "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." It takes first having a vision, then creating the plan to get there. Vision sparks initiative and action. Define your vision, unleash your Life.

3. Effectively partner with others. John Donne, a English preacher and poet was born the third of seven children. By the age of ten, he experienced the death of his father and three sisters. Much of his early life was spent in poverty, depending on the generosity of wealthy friends. It was him who said, "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent." it is entirely understandable where he might have received the understanding that in Life you need others to make things happen. There is no one person who has their dreams come true without first including others in their dreams. It is important to develop a loyal, responsible, and talented group or friends and partners. Having "social capital" will rocket you to greatness!

Living life with purpose and diligence with what God has given you begins your journey to richness, wisdom, and wealth. What I have learned is that to get where I want to go I must first seek wisdom, be diligent in following God-given vision, stay rooted in reality, and involved others in developing our lives. That is what Unleashing Life is about!