Saturday, June 14, 2008

Rain on Me: You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet!

Another day of walking outside, I love to workout outside. My trick is to alternate taking the jumprope and hand weights with me then go different routes to avoid boredom! Sometimes there is anelement that it uncontrollable that creeps in, the weather. Rain in particular can pose a dilemma. Just like the weatherof Life.

Today as I stepped out of the house the wind hit me, it was cool and relaxing. As I slipped on my headphones and pushed play I knew this was going to be an interesting day, the gray in the sky gave the first clue. Not even 100 steps into my walk I felt rain, just a little. And kept walking. The first thing that came in my mind was "I've done this before!". A month prior the rain came, I chose to keep going, for forty minutes I stayed in the rain. It was a choice then and a choice this time. Each time something comes up in Life it is a choice how it will be dealth with. The difference is that each storm is not the same!

Each day is not the same, just as the challenges of Life are not the same. We go through the death of relationships and people, changing jobs, moving, birth of children, loss of health and maybe dreams, and the list can go on. Yet, we wake up the net day, a new day. The only thing that is the same in the day is you. And depending on the day, you are not the same. The trick is to learn to deal with the challenges and move forward. What happens when we stay in the perceived defeat of a situation is that we cut off possibility of growth, Life, and opportunity. All situations can be transformed into an opportunity.

Think of yourself as a seed. There is no seed that can grow without water! Quick research revealed that even plants that grow in the desert need to be saturated in water to germinate. Water carried vital nutrients and oxygen (Life) to the seed so it can grow. Now the facinating thing about seeds are they have no idea what they are supposed to be just that they need water and light. People are no different, except we fight against our dreams because there might be rain in the form of people who do not believe in you, how daunting the task looks, and what we think about ourselves. Seeds are planted and have no idea how big they are supposed to be so they do not get stopped, discouraged, depressed, or stay still when planted. Do you know what they do when planted in a small pot? Outgrow it!

What do we do when we really do outgrow our pot? We get scared and attempt to find ways to stay in the pot. That could be to avoid failure,who knows, only you can answer why you would attempt to stay somewhere that you no longer fit. The best parts of your Life may be waiting for you outside of that pot. See, a sequoia or redwood tree seed do not know that they are meant to grow to be 165-280 ft. they just grow how they are supposed to grow. No matter where they are planted they just grow. Yes, there are factors that can distort the growth of the sequoia, but it does not change the fact that the sequoia is meant to be 165-280 ft. tall! Until something happens to stop the growth it just keeps growing and one day it needs to be replanted.

Maybe you need to be replanted in new soil. It could be a new job, relationship, house, friends, thought patterns, routine, or vehicle. It all starts with your mindset. You were created to be fabulous, wonderful, lively, inspirational, and to grow. Don't stop now due to a setback, disappointment, lack of patience, or an unhealthy way of thinking. Transform your mind, transform your situation, transform you're Life! The best is yet to come!

"Many of life's failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

Thomas Edison